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Site management

Create or modify a page

Create or modify a page

Create a new page

You have three accesses to go to create your pages. This applies to any page types created for your site.

In the left panel CLIENT / Content / Pages

On the new page that appears (see screenshot 1) click on "Add" (2 on screenshot 1) in the menu at the top of the page. You can also edit an item by clicking on the UID number (3 on screenshot 1) or perform other actions such as copy, publish (etc.) one or more items by selecting them. You can also publish one page by clicking on the action button 4 (see screenshot 1)

In the right panel PAGE tab

In the accordion header Pages of the site you have a Add page link if you want to create a new page. If you want to edit an existing one, you can click on that page (or use the search engine just on top of the list). By choosing a page, you will see the page's preview. You can then modify the grid to change the design (see more details here), or change the master page in the parameters (screenshot 2)

In the right panel SITE tab

There is an icon to add a page

Fill the page creation's form or modify a page (screenshot below)

The page layout contains different tabs:

  1. General Tab : To activate the page;
    • Choose the master template (where you will usually put the header and footer of your site). For a page, we suggest choosing "sed_site_base_from_master"
    • File name : This is the name of the page in the address bar.
    • Page Folder
      • The language folder is present by default.
      • Do not forget that it should not contain accents, spaces or special characters.
      • IMPORTANT: Should end with /
        Ex. /en/name-of-the-foler/
  2. Meta Tab : we strongly suggest you complete the Meta titles, descriptions and the opengraphs
    • Allows you to enter all the information to ensure a good SEO of your page.
    • The Opengraph portion is used for posting on Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Url canonical Tab (Optional, often requested by SEO firms)
  4. Advanced Tab (contains the necessary information for Extenso)

Sometimes, depending on the client's requests, the modification of a page content can be done in the widgets of the page, but also in the parameters of the page. In this case, new fields will appear in the forms or in the settings tab (see screenshot 1)

It must now be added to the menu. Go to the navigation management page.
If you want to customize the template on this page. Go to master pages management.

Create a restricted page

Restricted pages are pages accessible only to extranet users. (See here how to create an extranet user from the admin interface). The goal is to give access to some pages to some of your visitors (those who have an account on your site -different from the staging admin account-).

To create a restricted page, the procedure is almost similar to the classic page one. For this type of page, add the page folder name /secure/en/ or /secure/fr/ for French.

Note, however, that this procedure is the default one. Depending on your needs, the folder name may be different, or there may be new parameters to consider. In this case, specific documentation will be sent to you about restricted pages.

Modify the design of your page

Apart from information in the page table, it is possible that your site contains information you can edit in the grid (texts, images, etc.). You can also change your page design to fit your needs. To do this, you can use the grid.

How to use the grid

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