this function computes the absolute value
This function computes the arc cosine of x.
This function computes the inverse hyperbolic cos of a number.
Asymetric crypt
Quote string with slashes.
Asymetric decrypt
is used to copy/append file
Functions to create and manipulate arrays
Merge one or more arrays
Searches a value in the array
This function computes the inverse sin function of a number.
This function computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
This function computes the inverse tan function of a number.
This function computes the inverse hyperbolic tan of a number.
Decodes data with MIME base64
Encodes data with MIME base64
Return the file part of a pathame
Converts binary data into hexadecimal representation
Return the list of keys and values of a context.
Implement functions for captcha.
Casts a value in a specific type
This function computes the cube root of a number.
Smallest integral value not less than argument
Describes how to add new functions in C
parse cgidata
Use to create a directory.
Return a specific character
Split a string into smaller chunks.
Clears a context variable entirely
clear current buffer.
Close a file
Compare 2 objects
Use to compile a file.
Description of the language.
Compounds statements.
use to compress html
return extenso config
Configuration file for extenso.
Connect to a databse
output client connection info
Output a string to error_log.
Output a string to local error_log.
Checks if a value exists in an array
All functions about context (hash or associative array).
Stop execution of a loop and continue for the next iteration.
Manage cookies.
Use to copy file.
This function computes the cos of a number.
This function computes the hyperbolic cos of a number.
Return information about characters used in a string.
Copy a file.
Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string.
Encrypt a value with an algorythm.
Cryptographic and hashing function
Get the value for a code.
This function is used to request a url.
Return the current function
All functions for databases operations.
Datatypes for extenso.
All functions for date operations and date functions.
Date difference
Manage date.
Close a database of type key/data.
Check if a key exist in the database
Return a value from the database.
Return the key from the database.
Open a database of type key/data.
Insert a value in the database.
Decrypt a value with an algorythm.
This is used to define a constant to the compiler.
Delete in the databases.
Delete an entry in a context.
Delete a variable.
Use to list the file of a directory.
Return the directory part of a pathame
Disconnect to a databse
This function is used to use any characters as quotes in string
Dump all variables.
Send email.
Parse the content of an email.
Stop execution at this point.
This computes the value obtained in the error function for a specific position.
Generate an error and stop execution.
Display/set headers out.
This function is used to apply a filter to a string.
variables and codes.
Use to exec file.
Read exif information from a file
Check for a key in an hash array
Check if a class exist
Check if a function exist
Check if a method exist in a class
Check if a user function exist
Set return status code and stop.
This function computes the value of e, the natural exponential, multiplied by itself x times.
This function computes the value of 2 multiplied by itself x times.
Split a string by string
This function computes the value of e, the natural exponential, multiplied by itself x times, minus 1.
Returns the extension of a file.
Description of the programming environment Extenso by Sednove.
This function computes the absolute value of a float.
This function returns the positive difference between the 2 var chosen by the user.
Return the filename.
Return the list of current filenames
all functions for files operations.
This function is used to check is a value is set within a list with a delimiter between each element.
Finish execution.
Return first element from array.
Flatten an array
Largest integral value not greater than argument.
Flush current buffer.
This function returns the biggest of the 2 var chosen by the user.
This function returns the smallest of the 2 var chosen by the user.
Describe the use of functions within extenso
Describe how to call a function
Functions for GD.
Set alpha blending in GD
Draw an arc.
Crop a GD image.
Draw an ellipse.
Free/Relase memory for a GD structure.
Return a color index.
Get a pixel from image.
Return width and height of image.
Draw a line.
Merge a GD image.
Create a new image with GD.
Draw a polygon.
Print a text in the image.
Resize a GD image.
Rotate a GD image.
Save Alpha in GD
Set a pixel from image.
Write a GD image to a file or send it to the client.
Used to generate a file.
Generate a private and public key for asymetric cryptography
genpsw number generator.
Get a character
Get a line
This function returns the number of match regular expression
This function returns the position of the last match regular expression
This function return the value of a named parameter in a regular expression.
Getting Started with Extenso and SNCODE
get current buffer.
Return informations from structure.
Declare a global variable in a function or include.
Calculate the hash of a string.
Function headers
Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string.
Compute HMAC
How to resize the image after uploading
Convert html text to plain text.
Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities.
Convert special characters to HTML entities.
Convert HTML entities to special characters
Convert all HTML entities to special characters
Set return status code in HTTP header.
This function computes the hypothenuse of 2 var chosen by the user.
Condition for the program.
Join array elements with a string.
This function is used to include a file.
Insert into the databse.
This function is used to verify that the argument string contain only alphabetic and digit character.
Checks for an alphabetic character.
Checks whether c is a 7-bit unsigned char value that fits into the ASCII character set.
Test for whitespace wide character.
Checks for an control character.
Checks for a digit (0 through 9).
Checks if the argument is a float number.
Checks whether c is a character with graphical representation.
Checks for a digit (0 through 9) that may be preceed by + or -.
Checks for a lower-case character.
Checks for any printable character including space.
Checks for any printable character which is not a space or an alphanumeric character.
This function is used to check if a value is contained in a list with a delimiter between each element.
Checks whether c is a white-space character.
Checks for a upper-case character.
Checks for a hexadecimal digits, i.e. one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F.
Join element of an array.
Return the list of keys of a context.
Return last element from array.
Returns last uid of an auto_increment field.
This function returns the lowercase value of a string.
Returns lc value of the string's first character.
Returns the length of an expression
Return the distance between 2 strings.
Return an array of all class currently defined.
Return an array of all system functions
Return an array of all method currently defined.
Return an array of all user functions
Lock a file or Open and lock a file
This function computes the logarithm of a number.
This function computes the base 10 logarithm of a number.
Eliminates whitespace from the beginning of a string.
All functions related to mail operations.
Describe the programming environment of Extenso
Match a sting with a regular expression
All functions related to math.
Calculates the md5 hash of a string.
Calculate the md5 hash of a file.
Module Apache for Extenso
The way to implement new functions in Extenso
Formats a number as a currency string.
Move/rename a file.
Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string
Function notes.
Formats a number as a regional number string
Open a file
All operators in extenso.
Create a physical connection to an Oracle database server.
Return Unicode value of character.
Control output.
Define a package in sncode
Parse strings.
Function parsed_uri
This function is used to parse a query string.
Push an existing pool or create a new one
Remove last element from array and return it.
This function computes the value of a var chosen by the user, multiplied by itself x times.
List of predefined variables within Extenso.
Function executed before handling the request.
Output a string.
Print formatted text.
Push an element on top of array
Put a string
Quotation for string.
Quote meta characters.
Random number generator.
Generate an integer array with the range provided.
Read a file.
Check is a file is valid.
Show how to use a captcha within Extenso
Redirect current request to a new URL.
Return the value of a variable
Use to remove directories and files.
Replace current execution file.
Perform a regular expression substitute.
Reverse an array
Locate character in string (last occurence).
Round to nearest integer.
Use to remove directories.
Standart rounding of a number.
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string.
Stores array to a file.
Export data to xls (Excel format)
Move the read/write file offset to a specified byte within a file.
Select from the database.
Send a file.
Implement sessions for Extenso
Set current args to process.
Sets a new version of cgidata
Set content type for the httpd server.
Set current filename to process.
Function set_user
Calculate the sha1 hash of a string.
Calculate the sha1 hash of a file.
Remove first element from array and return it.
Send a signal
This function computes the hyperbolic sine of a number.
Use to size a file
Sleep for a while
How to write and execute Sncode scripts from the command line
Initial configuration file for extenso.
Function sn_binversion.
Use to implement small text within pages.
Function sn_source
Sort an array.
Splice an array
This function is used to split a string.
This function is used to split a string with a regular expression.
This function is used to do a sql request.
This function computes the square root of a number.
Use to stat a file.
Put a file in memory to optimize speed.
Set return status code.
Stop execution.
Case-insensitive string comparison.
Find length of initial segment not matching mask.
Case insensitive string comparisons using a natural order algorithm.
Functions for string manipulation
Take an expression and return a string.
Find the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string.
Un-quotes a quoted string
Strip HTML and extenso tags from a string.
String comparisons using a natural order algorithm.
Case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters.
Comparison of the first n characters.
Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
Reverse a string
Find the position of the last occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string.
Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
return a substring from the original string.
Translate characters or replace substrings.
Translate substrings.
Parse a CSV string into an array.
Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string (case insensitive).
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
Repeat a string
Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
Randomly shuffles a string
Convert a string to an array.
Function subprocess_env.
Return part of a string.
The switch statement is similar to a series of IF statements on the same expression
This function computes the tan of a number.
This function computes the hyperbolic tan of a number.
is an operator that takes three arguments. The arguments and result can be of different types.
This computes the value obtained with the gamma function.
get current time in seconds, msecs and usecs.
Set timeout for request
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
This function returns the nearest integer not greater in magnitude than the argument.
Return current ttyname
This function multiply a number by 2.
This function return the type of a variable.
This function return the uppercase value of a string.
Make a string's first character uppercase.
Uppercase the first character of each word in a string.
Un-Get a character
Take a string and return an expression.
Update databases.
Parse an uri and return its components.
Decode a string.
Encode a string.
Copy a variable from a parent function or a parent parser.
Describes user functions.
All users functions.
Utility and exception functions
Create a new unique UUID value
Return the time when a uuid was created.
Use to validate a file or a directory.
Returns the list of values of a context.
Description of the assembly language.
Discards output from an expression.
Used to loop.
Wraps a string to a given number of characters.
Write in a file.
Returns a substring from the original string.
Create a new Excel file.
xml functions
A simple extractor for a XML element
Get attribute for current node.
Return child for current node.
Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted.
Return or loop threw all children of current node.
Free an xml structure.
Check if the current node has child.
Get the name of the current element in xml structure.
Return number of child for current node.
Initialise xml with a new xml.
Get next node of the current node.
Get parent node of the current node.
Get the name of the current prefix element in xml structure.
Get previous node of the current node.
Build the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs.
Get type of current node.
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