operators - List of operators in Sncode.
The following operators are supported in Sncode:
All operators works will all type of variables: - undefined - integer - double - string - null - associative array - array - boolean.
Each operators as is own set of rules for the conversion unless casting is used.
For numerical operators, undefined
and null
values are considered equal to 0 whereas boolean values are treated as 1 when true
and 0 when false
For string operators, undefined
and null
values are treated as an empty string whereas boolean values are treated as "true" when true
and "false" when false
Here is the order for operators precedence:
a = b + c;
a = b / c;// if b and c are integer, the result a will be an integer. If one of operands is double, a will be double.
Operator | Description |
+ |
Addition |
- |
Substraction |
* |
Multiplication |
/ |
Division |
% |
Modulo |
** |
Power |
// Modulo example r = 5 % 3; // r = 2
Usage | Description |
++a |
Pre-increment, increments a by one, then returns a. |
a++ | Post-increment, returns a, then increments a by one. |
--a | Pre-decrement, decrements a by one, then returns a. |
a-- | Post-decrement, returns a, then decrements a by one. |
// Init example a = 5; // Post increment b = a++; // a=6 b=5 // Pre increment c = ++a; // a=7 c=7 // Post decrement d = a--; // a=6 d=7 // Pre decrement e = --a; //a=5 e=5
These operators assign a value to their left operand based on the value of their right operand.
a = 1; a += 2; // a now equals 3
Operator | Description |
= |
Assignment |
+= |
Addition assignment |
-= |
Subtraction assignment |
/= |
Division assignment |
%= |
Remainder assignment |
*= |
Multiplication assignment |
|= |
Bitwise OR assignment |
&= |
Bitwise AND assignment |
.+= |
String concatenation assignment |
>>= |
Left shift assignment |
<<= |
Right shift assignment |
< <= > >= != <> <⇒
• < : less than
• > : greater than
• <= : less or equal
• >= : greater or uqual
• <=> : compare (WARNING: This operator triggers an error if your script is feeded through an include() sncode function)
• -1 if less than
• 0 if equal
• 1 if greater than
• == : equal
• != : not equal
1 <=> 1; // 0 1 <=> 2; // -1 2 <=> 1; // 1
lt -- less than. Compare the length of 2 strings
le -- less. Compare the length of 2 strings
gt -- greater than. Compare the length of 2 strings
ge -- greater. Compare the length of 2 strings
eq -- equal
ne -- not equal
cmp -- compare two string but return -1, 0, or 1.
st -- check is the first string start with the second string. "/usr/local/website" st "/usr" return true; "/usr/local/website" st ".usr" return false
ns -- check is the first string not start with the second string. "/usr/local/website" ns "/usr" return false; "/usr/local/website" ns ".usr" return true
if "2016-01-01" =~ "^(?P\d\d\d\d)-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)$" then
Operator | Description |
=~ |
Does the left expression match the pattern in the right expression (boolean) |
!~ |
Does the left expression NOT match the pattern in the right expression (boolean) |
To retrieve the groups, use the getre() function.
Regular expressions support special flags to alter their behavior:
if "2016" =~:iasm "^(?P\d\d\d\d)$" then
Operator | Description |
x |
extended (PCRE_EXTENDED) |
i |
case insensitive (PCRE_CASELESS) |
m |
multiline (PCRE_MULTILINE) |
s |
dot match all (PCRE_DOTALL) |
For more details, please consult the PCRE Documentation.
Operator | Description |
Appends the right expression to the left one |
s1 = "1 str"; s1 .+= " more"; // s1 = "1 str more"
if !a || (a && b) then // if a is false or both variables are true
Operator | Description |
! |
Not (is the expression false) |
&& |
And (are both expressions are true) |
|| |
Or (is either one of the expressions true) |
// Example 1 if false || true then;// always true // Example 2 a = true; if !a then // always false
In Sncode, logical operators rely on lazy evaluation, which means that in both of these cases, the function fact won't even be called:
if 0 && fact(1) then // 0 means false so we don't need to go further
if 1 || fact(1) then // 1 means true so we don't need to go further
The benefits of lazy evaluation include:
~(not) |(or) &(and) ^(xor) <<(left shift) >>(right shift)
if -e "/path/to/file.txt" then
If the path starts with a /, it is automatically prefixed with the path to the root directory. Otherwise, it is prefixed with the path of the current script.
Operator | Description |
-e |
Check if the file/folder exists (boolean) |
-z |
Check if the file has a size equal to 0 (boolean) |
-r |
Check if the file can be read (boolean) |
-w |
Check if the file can be open for writing (boolean) |
-x |
Check if the file can be executed (boolean) |
-l |
Check if the path points to a link (boolean) |
-f |
Check if the path points to a file (boolean) |
-d |
Check if the path points to a directory (boolean) |
-s |
Return the size of the file (in bytes) |
-m |
Return the modification time of the file (in secs.) since epoch |
-a |
Return the last access time of the file (in secs.) since epoch |
-c |
Return the creation time of file (in secs.) since epoch |
-u |
Return the owner (user) of the file |
-g |
Return the owner group of the file |
// -e folder/file example if -e "/extenso/module/sed/core" then "core folder exists"; endif // WARNING -e False positive! // If your path is an absolute path, it will through a false positive even though the folder/file doesn't exists! if -e "/usr/local/website/my_site/whatever/does/not/exists" then "This path does not exists but -e throughs `true`!"; endif
Written by Pierre Laplante <laplante@sednove.com>, Jean-Georges Guenard, <jg@sednove.com>
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