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The position is used by the widget to display advertisements. The concept is simple: when you create an advertisement (banners, text, JavaScript or video), you assign it to a position. The widget (which display your advertisement on your page) is then configured to display everything that is in that position. So the position makes the link between the ads and the widget. Here are the main fields of the position table.

General Tab

  • Reference Code :  code used by Extenso
  • Position title: the position name.
  • Fixed rate per day : used to define the ad's price (fix rate)
  • CPT rate: to set a price for one thousand impressions
  • Number of hits : how many times, your ads have been viewed in this position
  • Number of clicks : Number of clicks on your ads in this position.

Variations Tab

  • With rotation : if you have multiple ads in the same position, click on this checkbox if you want to have ads rotation. (a kind of ads slider). If this box is not checked and multiple advertisements are assigned to the same position, then the system will choose a random advertisement in the batch when the page is loaded (without rotation).
  • Minimum number of seconds and Maximum number of seconds : if the values of these fields are identical (let's say equal X), each ad will be replaced by another one every X seconds. If the two values are different, the system will choose a random number between the two values.
  • Maximum number of rotations : For example, if you have 10 ads in a predefined position and the maximum number of rotations is set to 5, only 5 random ads will be displayed in the slider.

External ads Tab

If you want your advertising to be accessible for other platforms (JavaScript code), please check this box.

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